Booking terms and conditions

Book Bornholm is owned by By Nordiq ApS, whom are responsible for bookings on this website.

The following terms and conditions are in effect between By Nordiq ApS, and you personally, or through other agreements with the company, in respect to what the confirmation specifies. These terms and conditions apply for all types of products, unless otherwise specified.

During certain circumstances packaged products can be established in accordance with the products you order. If this opportunity arises, you are asked to read the information below.

If you select and purchase packaged products, and order further products for your trip or vacation through this booking portal, you are exempt from the rights concerning package holidays in accordance with directive (EU) 2015/2302.
By Nordiq ApS are therefore not liable for correct delivery of these additional products. Please refer to relevant service provider in case of aforementioned situation.

If you order additional products during the same visit to the booking portal (Book Bornholm), these products will be recognised as a part of a packaged travel arrangement. In this case, By Nordiq ApS, will act according to EU-law, providing protection in order to refund your payments to By Nordiq ApS for products not delivered in event of bankruptcy or insolvency, and if necessary, your passage home.

Please note: this does not ensure reimbursement in event of relevant service providers bankruptcy or insolvency.

For more information, read here.

Prices stated in the price list are set in danish crowns (DKK) unless otherwise specified. We erne i prislisten er angivet i danske kroner, med mindre andet er specifikt angivet.
We reserve the right to alterations, in accordance with price- and currency valuations outside of our control past this date.

Your booking is legally binding as soon as vocally, or in writing confirmed by the sales agent. These terms and conditions are in effect from this moment onwards, regardless if you have paid in part- or full for your arrangement, or not at all. If your products are booked through an agent, other booking, and payment terms may be in effect. Always make sure to be aware of relevant terms and conditions.

You make your payment in accordance with the present terms and conditions in effect, both over phone and online, and exclusively with debit- or credit cards. In order to protect and encrypt your card information, when being processed in our system, we employ ”Secure Socket Layer”-technology (SSL).
Please note, that under certain circumstances a refund is not possible in connection to special prices- and offers. Please check relevant terms and conditions before making a booking.

By Nordiq ApS intermediates between customers and lessors in regard to holiday housing. By Nordiq ApS acts only as an intermediary of private sommerhouses, cottages, and apartments, and not as an organizer.

When booking you will receive a confirmation via e-mail from the intermediary, By Nordiq ApS. All additional information is provided by the operator in question, or by By Nordiq ApS in the function of a travel agency.

Booking takes place on the basis of the object description, which is based on the information from the organizer. Rules regarding final cleaning, cleaning and bed linen can be found in the lessor's general terms and conditions.

The rent is paid by credit card directly at the time of booking. If there are unexpected problems during your stay, or if the stay is not in good condition, you must immediately contact the responsible landlord.

Participation is at your own risk, insurance is NOT included. By Nordiq ApS refers to ordering travel insurance with Europæiske Rejseforsikring A/S, when the trip is booked.

When booking with a combination of different product categories, the strictest terms and conditions for cancellation and change always applies. If you want to review, change or cancel your booking, follow the instructions in the email confirmation. Please note that you may be required to pay for cancellation according to the hotel/accommodation's cancellation policy and conditions in connection with no-shows.

We recommend that you read the terms and conditions of the accommodation thoroughly before you book.

ATTENTION! For certain event and for group bookings (more than 9 people), special conditions for cancellation costs apply. 

In case of cancellation or change, the following fees apply unless otherwise stated in your booking confirmation:

Cancellation and change of only hotel rooms, Bed & Breakfast rooms:
Any cancellation or change must take place no later than 5 p.m. the day before arrival. In case of cancellation or change later than 5 p.m. the day before arrival or in case of no-arrival, 100% of the booking price is charged. If you are precented at short notice and outside office hours, you can contact the accommodation directly for possible cancellation. You must then notify Book Bornholm within two business days.

(Cancellation and change do not apply to certain offers or discounts)

Cancellation and change of hostel rooms only.
Any cancellation or change must be made no later than 7 days before arrival. In case of cancellation or change later than 7 days before arrival or in case of no-show, 100% of the price of the booking will be charged. If you are prevented at short notice and outside of office hours, you can contact the accommodation directly for possible cancellation. You must then notify Book Bornholm within two business days. 

(Cancellation and change do not apply to certain offers or discounts)

Cancellation and change of summerhouses, cabins and apartments:

  • From the day of booking and up to 46 days before moving in: free of charge
  • From 45 days before moving in: 100% of the total rental amount
    (Cancellation and changes do not apply to certain offers or discounts, see your booking confirmation for more details)

Cancellation and change of campsite

  • From the day of booking and up to 31 days before arrival: 10% of the total amount, but at least DKK 400,-
  • From 30 to 15 days before arrival: 50% of the total amount, but a maximum of DKK 2000,-
  • From 14 to 2 days before arrival: you get a refund of amounts in excess of DKK 4000,-
  • From 1 to 0 days before arrival: 100% of the total amount.
    (Cancellation and change do not apply to certain offers or discounts)

Cancellation and change of packages, activities, arrangements, tickets, gift cards or transport
Non-cancellable or changeable, unless otherwise stated in the booking confirmation.
(Cancellation and change do not apply to certain offers or discounts)

ATTENTION! Cancellation via the Call Center must take place within our regular opening hours. Please note that your cancellation is not valid until you have received a written cancellation confirmation from Book Bornholm or By Nordiq ApS. If you are prevented at short notice and outside office hours, you can contact the accommodation directly for the possibility of cancellation, and you must then notify Book Bornholm of this the following business day. Refuns cannot be guaranteed if the cnacellation is made directly with the hotel.

Please note that some discounts and offers cannot be changed or cancelled. Reimbursement does not take place in so-called "no-show". See your booking confirmation you received at the time of booking for more information about your booking and your booking terms and conditions.

For some bookings you can voluntarily purchase cancellation insurance. Compensation will be paid if you can not reasonably go through with your trip because of a sudden severe illness, accident, or death concerning yourself, people in your travel party, or someone closely related to you. Those considered closely related to the insured individual are as follows: spouse, child, grandchild, sibling, parent(s), in-laws, person with which the insured shares a household and has a marriage-like relationship, or someone in your travel party included in your booking. Severe illness implies a situation where you, upon booking did not, could not, nor should not have known illness would occur. Severe illness or injury is to be verified by the insured by providing valid documentation signed by a medical professional.

Terms and conditions concerning the cancellation insurance

  • Cancellation insurance is not valid for groups of more than 9 people.
  • Cancellation insurance can only be purchased at the time of booking.
  • Cancellation must take place before booked arrival date. Cancellation upon later dates forfeit all possible compensation.
  • Cancellation insurance is only valid when accompanied by valid documentation signed by a medical professional, and is to be sent to us no later than 14 working days after cancellation. The medical documentation must be filled out by a doctor connected to Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency). The documentation must provide the doctor’s name, contact information, and stamp. It must also make clear the date of the exam, result of the exam, diagnosis, and a written statement advising the patient not to travel.
  • Costs of acquiring medical documentation will not be compensated.
  • Compensation will not be paid for the amount which the cancellation insurance was purchased, in the event of a cancellation. 

Some exceptions for when cancellation insurance is not valid

  • Urgent worsening of an existing illness/chronic health issue.
  • Examination, treatment, and/or admission to hospital which was planned before the booking was made. 
  • Planned surgeries/procedures and related illnesses or complications arising as a result.

In the event of a change via the Call Center in cases where it is possible according to the current conditions in the booking, DKK 100 per change is charged.

Any complaints must be made to the person responsible for the product, for example the hotel manager/golf course manager etc. or his representative as soon as possible.
If you do not get the problems corrected, contact Book Bornholm by phone +45 69911621 or email [email protected]

The right to complain is lost if you do not notify the supplier on site. If you leave the accommodation, the golf course or the event without the organizer having had reasonable time to resolve the issue, you lose your right to compensation. Any claims for compensation must be notified to Book Bornholm in writing no later than 30 days after the end of the trip.

Group travel and special arrangements are not covered by these conditions as special contractual conditions apply to these forms of travel.

For all other bookings, the above general terms and conditions apply unless special conditions are referred to on the booking confirmation. Book Bornholm reserves the right for typographical errors in printed and electronic material, including brochures, web pages, etc.

​​​​​​​For Book Bornholm, By Nordiq ApS ("BN") collects and processes personal data that you provide to us. Personal data that will be processed includes, but it nos limited to:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Sex
  • Address
  • Email address and telephone number.

We may also process information that is registered in connection with ordering, e.g. age, requests for special diets. You provide the personal data yourself in conjunction with ordering arrangements, creating accounts or other servies on the web or by telephone.

Read more about how we collect, use, process, and protect your personal data in our work, here.



Den kombination af rejseydelser, du tilbydes, er en Pakkerejse, jf. direktiv (EU) 2015/2302.
Du er derfor omfattet af alle EU-rettigheder for Pakkerejser. By Nordiq ApS er fuldt ansvarlig for den korrekte levering af den samlede Pakkerejse.

By Nordiq ApS har desuden oprettet lovpligtig beskyttelse til at refundere dine betalinger og, hvis Pakkerejsen omfatter transport, sikre din hjemtransport i tilfælde af, at den/de går konkurs eller bliver insolvent.


  • Du vil via Book Bornholms hjemmeside, modtage alle vigtige oplysninger om Pakkerejsen inden indgåelse af aftalen om rejsen.
  • Der er altid mindst én leverandør, som er ansvarlig for den korrekte levering af alle de rejseydelser, der er inkluderet i aftalen.
  • Du får et nødopkaldsnummer eller oplysninger om et kontaktpunkt, hvor du kan komme i kontakt med os.
  • Du kan overdrage pakkerejsen til en anden person med rimeligt varsel og mod eventuelle ekstra omkostninger, ved at tage kontakt til os.
  • Pakkerejsens pris kan kun øges, hvis særlige omkostninger stiger (f.eks. brændstofpriser), og hvis det udtrykkeligt er fastsat i aftalen, og under ingen omstændigheder senere end 20 dage inden Pakkerejsens begyndelse. Hvis prisstigningen overstiger 8% af Pakkerejsens pris, kan du opsige aftalen. Hvis rejsearrangøren forbeholder sig ret til en prisstigning, har du ret til en prisnedsættelse, hvis de relevante omkostninger falder.
  • Du kan opsige aftalen uden betaling af et opsigelsesgebyr og få fuld refusion af alle betalinger, hvis nogen af Pakkerejsens væsentlige elementer, bortset fra prisen, ændres væsentligt. Hvis væsentlige elementer af Pakkerejsen efter Pakkerejsens begyndelse ikke kan leveres som aftalt, er du berettiget til passende alternative arrangementer uden yderligere udgifter.
  • Du kan opsige aftalen uden betaling af et opsigelsesgebyr inden Pakkerejsens begyndelse i tilfælde af ekstraordinære omstændigheder, f.eks. hvis der er alvorlige sikkerhedsproblemer på destinationen, som sandsynligvis kan påvirke Pakkerejsen.
  • Du kan endvidere til enhver tid inden Pakkerejsens begyndelse opsige aftalen mod betaling af et passende og begrundet opsigelsesgebyr (op til Pakkerejsens pris).
  • Hvis væsentlige elementer af Pakkerejsen efter Pakkerejsens begyndelse ikke kan leveres som aftalt, vil du blive tilbudt passende alternative arrangementer uden yderligere udgifter. Du kan opsige aftalen uden betaling af opsigelsesgebyr, hvis tjenesteydelser ikke udføres i overensstemmelse med aftalen, og dette væsentligt berører leveringen af Pakkerejsen, og vi undlader at afhjælpe problemet
  • Du har også ret til en prisnedsættelse og/eller erstatning, hvis rejseydelserne ikke leveres eller leveres mangelfuldt.
  • Vi yder støtte, hvis du under din rejse er i vanskeligheder.
  • Hvis vi går konkurs eller bliver insolvente, refunderes betalingerne. Hvis vi går konkurs eller bliver insolvente efter Pakkerejsens begyndelse, og hvis Pakkerejsen omfatter befordring, er din hjemtransport sikret. By Nordiq ApS har via kontant deponering til rejsegarantifonden oprettet beskyttelse mod konkurs og insolvens. Kontakt Rejsegarantifonden hvis du nægtes ydelser som følge af By Nordiq ApS konkurs eller insolvens.
By Nordiq ApS
- For hendvendelser vedr. Pakkerejselov

E-mail: [email protected]
Telefon: +45 69 91 51

Røjelskær 11, 3. sal
2840 Holte
Telefon.: +45 4587 8333
E-mail: [email protected]
Book Bornholm
- For henvendelser om din rejse

E-mail: [email protected]    
Telefon: +45 69 91 16 51     


Direktiv (EU) 2015/2302, som gennemført i national ret, kan findes her: Lov om pakkerejser og sammensatte rejsearrangementer