Bornholms Middelaldercenter
Bornholms Middelaldercenter
Bornholms Middelaldercenter
Bornholms Middelaldercenter
Bornholms Middelaldercenter
Bornholms Middelaldercenter

Bornholms Middelaldercenter

Let the time travel back to the Middle Ages begin! At The Medieval Centre of Bornholm, the whole family can experience how the lord, the peasants and the animals lived in the Middle Ages while taking part in lots of fun activities and role-plays.


Step into an authentic medieval environment with farm animals, simple farmhouses, a fortified manor, water mill and much more. Here, the whole family can get up close with what life in the Middle Ages looked like for both the wealthy lord and poor peasants, all the while trying your hand at, among other things, archery, coinage, and pottery.

It is entirely up to you to decide how you want to experience the medieval centre. You can borrow a pocket guide from the museum and go exploring on your own, or you can take park in one of the free tours by the museum’s facilitator. And regardless of whether the sun is shining, or the rain is pouring down, there is always something to do.

Every day in both high and low season, The Medieval Centre of Bornholm offers a lot of fun activities for all ages, both outdoors and indoors. Make e.g., your own silver coin, paint with pigments and beer just like the painters of the time did, shoot with a bow and arrow and watch (and not least, hear) the cannon being fired.

In the high season (see dates below) there is extra life at The Medieval Centre of Bornholm. Meet i.a. the local volunteers who are dressed up as Medieval folk and show their crafts at the square and watch the fun children’s busking show.

Easter: 25 - 30 March, 11 am - 4 pm
Low season: 4 May - 29 June, 11 am - 3 pm
High season: 1 July - 10 August, 10 am - 5 pm
Medieval Days: 15 July - 20 July, 10 am - 5 pm (Monday-Friday, changed admission price)
Low season: 12 August - 28 September, 11 am - 3 pm
Autumn holidays: 14 - 19 October, 11 am - 4 pm
Additional opening day: Wednesday, 23 October, 11 am - 3 pm
Christmas market: 14 December, 10 am - 3 pm (free, no ticket required)

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