Nexø Hostel

Address: Gl. Rønnevej 17A, 3730 Nexø
Location: Nexø
Show map
Directions: Staffed reception open from kl. 9.00-14.00 on weekdays.
Outside opening hours, contact service telephone: +45 70220898.
Arrival outside reception opening hours there will be a note that tells you which entrance you must use and also a note stating your name and room number. The key for your room will sit in the room door.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 55.063125
Longitude: 15.11799
Latitude: 55° 3' 47"
Longitude: 15° 7' 5"
Build: 04/02/2025 11:33:59, Host: CBONLINEBOTS01, DB: o3.cbguide-8531.cbischannel-31538.v1, Controller: Accommodation, Action: showdetailsmapinfo