Harbour Sleep

Address: Sdr. Hammer 1 Nexø Havn, 3730 Nexø
Location: Nexø
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Directions: Sdr. Hammer 1, Nexø Havn 3730 Nexø
Arrival 24/7 – Self service
Arrival in Rønne by ferry or plane. The direct route via Aakirkeby approx. 32 km. There is a bus (Bus 8) from the port almost to the door – Bus square in Nexø. Or from Bornholm Airport (Bus 6 + 8).

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 55.062121
Longitude: 15.134654
Latitude: 55° 3' 44"
Longitude: 15° 8' 5"
Build: 05/02/2025 18:58:30, Host: CBONLINEBOTS01, DB: o3.cbguide-8531.cbischannel-31538.v1 cbraven01.visitgroup.com:8080, Controller: Accommodation, Action: showdetailsmapinfo